„We are working with you, not for you.“


Why about you?

Let's be realistic. Why would anyone's life interest you more than your own life? Aren't we all looking for the answer to this famous question: What is there for me? Of course we are. And there is nothing wrong with that. We are sure that you are here for your own sake. We encourage you to do so! In fact, by coming to this site, you have made the first step. To meet what? Your personal need, desire, or recognized space towards what you are today, tomorrow would be, one step braver, more responsible, bolder, more inspired, more skillful, more responsible, more mature, safer ... In one word: Better!

What brings us back to the question - why about you? Precisely because we do not want you to resemble to anyone else. Anyway, all the other "places" are already taken, aren't they? About you, because we know you can be even better version of yourself. Each of us bears space inside ourselves for this. For personal growth and continuous development.


What is our role in this?

The truth is that you can do many of the things by yourself. In the era of modern technologies and the Internet, there is nothing that is unavailable to us today, just a couple of "clicks" away. Paradoxically, what we lack is motivation, more often persistence, but perhaps what we lack most is that sence of belonging to someone and the sense of being in contact with the others. Because of that, the famous one "From tomorrow I will ..." makes all our activities, plans and goals directed towards that new, better Me, right there - into this imaginary land of the eternal Tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the future. Something that can and does not have to happen, the way we have planned. No matter how much we want it, we cannot always foresee the future. Even less to control it. The good thing is, however, that our personal growth does not depend on Tomorrow. The country it lives in is called Today. And Today is within our influence. And all our power lies exactly in that.

Who are we?

We are a team of young and dedicated people with a belief that with our enthusiasm, energy and knowledge we can change the (business) environment and trigger a wave of positive changes in people. Every day, we make one small step towards this, and we inspire others to do the same, so that together we can make unachievable achievable. The team consists of multidisciplinary experts from the fields of economics, psychology, law, IT and others. And as such it strives to be your partner in everyday business challenges and in finding the "tailor-made" solution of your needs.

Haygens said: Every point of the space affected by the wave becomes the source of secondary waves that expands in all directions. Would you like to expand the wave of change with us? You are welcome.

Our values

We are here today, to be together with you, the exact support you need to get to that better tomorrow. Because support for us means Confidence, we know that it is not given, but it is deserved and confirmed. This is our first value. And for trust, it is said that it is as life - it is just lost once. It is based on ability, integrity and benevolence and those are the key words that sublime our business philosophy. We prove skill with expertise and experience. Our references show this, and the words of our satisfied students who are our best reference. Integrity for us means that we do what we believe in and believe in what we do. We live this story. Benevolence always brings us back to the essence. We build our relationships focused on what really matters. Your benefit is the only result we recognize. Excellence in everything we do is our vision. Only in this way can we be true inspiration and decent support that we want to give. Devotion separates us from the others. Our door never closes after our encounter. They remain always open to you. To be able to come back, and come back easily. Easiness is the value that defines all our programs. We break delusions that change is difficult, that it happens with hardness and that hardness motivates it. We do not make things complicated. Basically, life is very simple. It is complicated by people. As the great Einstein said so nicely - "If you can not explain it simply, it means you do not understand it well enough." We trust that we learn, grow and develop best, when we do it with ease, just as children do. And children are the greatest and best students of all. Therefore, with our work, we return easiness to things we unnecessarily made complicated. And if we need to describe the way we achieve it, which permeates every segment of what we do, there is only one word for it - Passion. Nothing great humanity had achieved without it. Enthusiasm, energy, love, dedication ... There are many synonyms for it. If you love what you do, you will never call it a job. It is passion that turns our work into pleasure and pleasure, and if you ask us, this feeling is spreading like an infection.

We provide you with Trust, Excellence, Commitment, Easiness and Passion. In return, we buy your trust.

Welcome. You are in the right place!

We are working with you, not for you.
People for people. Together we make impossible possible.

Whether you think you can, or you can not, you are right.

Restrictions exist only in our thoughts.

We are here to break barriers together!

Our statistics:

Team building

Business professional training

Business interpersonal skills

HR programs
Satisfied clients


Call us or send us an email:

Belgrade, Serbia
Mobile phone: (+381) 65 3443300
Email: office@pipls.org